Thursday, 29 December 2011

How To Lose Belly Fat

The dangers of belly fat at becoming better known and this article looks at the issues in more detail:

For many people how to lose belly fat is becoming an important question. Health experts have realized recently that fat carried around the waist is more dangerous than fat on other parts of the body. The term "abdominal obesity" has been used to describe this. Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Using Exercises To Lose Weight - Is This Really Practical?

Can you lose weight just by exercising? According to this article it helps but it is not the whole answer:

If you are thinking about exercises to lose weight you are probably also wondering how to lose belly fat in particular. Most people would like to have Six Pack Abs but it has become know in recent years that this is about more than just looking good. Health experts have begun talking about "abdominal obesity"...... Click Here to read more.

Monday, 19 December 2011

A Few Things To Think about Before Trying To Lose Weight

The majority of overweight people want to shed a few pounds and most have used a diet and have managed to lose weight. Sadly, in the bulk of cases the achievement is short-lived and the weight rapidly returns. Below are a number of strategies which hopefully will be useful next time and make any future efforts more successful:
Be careful regarding your salt consumption - Most individuals eat too much salt and we often hear the message that this is not healthy. On the other hand, a certain quantity of salt is essential to the proper working of our bodies and a low salt or salt free diet can be dangerous. The big problem with salt is that the majority of it comes from manufactured foodstuffs so, if you remove these from your diet, you should make sure that you keep up your salt level.
Do not employ extreme diets - You will find numerous fashionable diets that claim to assist you lose weight. This may be through suppressing hunger or helping your body burn fat. There are also diets that are so limiting that you might have to to take nutritional supplements. These might well assist with losing weight in the short term but like going onto a very low calorie diet (such as the Lemon Diet) there may be problems when you stop using them. As an example, products designed to assist your body burn fat can result in a weight increase when you come off them and start eating as normal. Messing with your metabolism in this way is not good. The right thing to do is eat a well balanced diet including, protein, carbohydrates and fats in regular meals. This will trigger your body into metabolizing the food into energy for the body to use.
Limit alcohol consumption - There are quite a few reasons for this. Firstly it is high in calories so several drinks will sabotage your hard work to reduce weight. Additionally the intake of alcohol means that the liver will focus on dealing with that and any food you consume at the same time is prone to be stored as fat. Not only that but alcohol is likely to make you to want to eat especially the kind of sweet foods that you should be cutting out. It might in addition lead to you eating the incorrect foods the following day if you are still suffering the effects. It is best to keep alcohol consumption to a minimum at the same time as trying to lose weight.
Work on your reasons for eating - Most people often consume food due to factors other than hunger. This may be because a social event demands it, because it makes us feel better or because it is a conditioned response to an particular scenario. It calls for significant determination to get over some of these connections, as an example many people consume food when they have an alcoholic drink or automatically get a snack when they sit down to watch TV. You need to keep yourself motivated and keep reminding yourself why you desire to lose weight. A lot of people have found weight loss hypnosis to be effective in this respect. This can't change your eating patterns for you (you need to have made a definite decision to do so) but it can make the process much easier.
Do not shun all fat - There is a perception that fat is bad and should definitely be steered clear of when losing weight but in actual fact some fat consumption is essential to our health. Even though we do need fat there are good and bad kinds of fat. You should avoid trans-fatty acids, often shown as hydrogenated oils on food labels because these are manufactured fats that are of little use to the body. On the other hand Omega-3 fats are good and are contained in food types like green vegetables, oily fish (like salmon) and some nuts. Beneficial fats are not stored as fat in the body and will in fact assist you to lose weight.
Consume lots of water - Our bodies are over seventy percent water and the intake of enough of this is fundamental to our wellbeing in general and also to support the metabolic processes that result in really losing weight. It is an error to restrict fluid intake when trying to lose weight even though this may yield short term results. Actually it is best to drink lots of water especially when you start to experience hunger. This commonly suppresses the feeling of hunger and makes it easier to eat less. Additionally you should try drinking water fifteen minutes before a meal as this is likely to result in you eating less.
The above are just a few points which ought to be considered whilst trying to lose weight. To obtain further content concerning losing weight and, particularly healthy weight loss, please see our website

Friday, 16 December 2011

Why Would You Buy An Electronic Cigarette?

The electronic cigarette (sometimes called a vapor cigarette) started to be distributed in the United States near the end of 2006 and the industry has now grown to a number of million consumers worldwide. The devices have improved in that period so that they now look very akin to a actual cigarette and are now easy to use.
What Precisely Is An Electronic/Vapor Cigarette?
This is a device comprising a "smoke" cartridge (originally refillable but now usually disposable) with an atomiser powered by a rechargeable battery. The smoker holds and smokes the product in the same way as an actual cigarette and a vapor is created which looks like smoke. The end of the electronic cigarette even glows like a real one.
The cartridges are available in a number of "flavors" and it is up to the smoker if this includes nicotine and, if so, at what strength.
So an electronic/vapor cigarette can deliver nicotine to the smoker or it can be used nicotine-free but still satisfying other aspects of the smoking experience. Even if operated with nicotine it doesn't emit any of the additional noxious ingredients contained in standard cigarette smoke and the vapor produced is not detrimental to those around the smoker.
What is the Electronic Cigarette intended for?
Is it:
  • to help with giving up smoking by gradually reducing nicotine
  • a healthier alternative to smoking normal cigarettes
  • a way of smoking without affecting other people
  • a means of getting round no smoking regulations?
Precisely how electronic cigarettes ought to be categorized and regulated has been uncertain, the FDA's (US Food and Drug Administration) current situation is that they should be regulated as "tobacco products". The FDA also assert that the safety of electronic cigarettes is not yet proven by proper scientific studies.
The result is that electronic cigarettes aren't intended to be sold as beneficial to health or as aids to quitting smoking. This does seem to challenge the whole point of them as you would suppose that these would be the main reasons people would buy them. Nevertheless you will notice that the manufacturers trade on the following factors:
  • Cost - It is much cheaper to smoke electronic cigarettes than normal ones.
  • They are cleaner - You are not left with a butt to get rid off and there is no ash to dispose of.
  • No Odor - There is no tobacco smell on clothes or breath.
  • No fire risk - You do not actually burn anything in these devices so there is no risk of causing a fire.
  • No impact on others - The "smoke" that is produced is just water vapor so there is no impact on those around the smoker.
  • No restrictions - You should be able to use an electronic cigarette even where smoking is prohibited.
The future of this regulation with be fascinating as suppliers would without doubt like to make health claims and will be seeking proof for this. In the meantime you can buy an electronic cigarette starter packs from reputable companies and avoid the many low cost imported options now for sale.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

The Lemon Diet - Is It Any Good?

If you are looking for a quick way to lose weight you might be interested in the Lemon (or Lemonade) Diet:

The lemon diet (also known as the Lemonade Diet, Master Cleanse or Maple Syrup Diet) is based on a diet called the "The Master Cleanser" which was written in 1940s by Stanley Burroughs. The diet continues to be popular today especially as it has gathered several celebrity endorsements. Click Here to read more.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Should You Try A Vapor Cigarette?

Here is a post that will be of interest if you have wondered about trying an electronic cigarette:

It is now easy to find a Vapor Cigarette (or Electronic Cigarette) and you may be wondering what is the point of them and are they worth trying. Click Here to read more.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Pool Heater Sizing

If you are thinking of getting a pool heater working out what size you need can be tricky. This post will help:
Below is a table giving some guidance based on the capacity of the pool or the surface area but this is very just a general guide. Much will depend on: .... Click Here to read more.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Why I Recommend HostGator

Many people recommend HostGator, this post sets out the reasons for this particular recommendation:
This site offers a lot of information about web hosting and there are pages like the "buy" page which sets out exactly what is in HostGator's packages. However I thought it would be useful to look at it the other way and look at things that HostGator do not do that makes their service attractive. Click Here to read more.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Best Website Hosting

If you are looking for the best hosting for you it is worth your while looking at this post:
To avoid issues and to ensure your site is continually on-line and is fast to display you should make use of a good website hosting provider with a first-rate reputation for reliability and customer support...  Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

HostGators Service

Here is a post setting out why the author recommends HostGator for Web Hosting:
HostGators service is used by many people as they are one of the top hosting providers. They claim that the domains hosted on behalf of their 225,000 customers account for about 1% of the world's internet traffic. They are based in Texas but have customers in 200 countries around the world... Click Here to read more.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Website Hosting Services

This post provides guidance for people new to hosting on what are the important things to look for:
If you are new to web hosting you may be confused by the types of website hosting available and the numerous suppliers to choose from.

To keep it as simple as possible, for most people a basic shared hosting Linux package is what you need. Shared hosting means....  Click Here to read more.

Monday, 28 November 2011

The Benefits Of VPS Hosting

If you are presently using shared hosting you might consider upgrading to VPS Hosting which offers better security and guaranteed resources:
VPS hosting (Virtual Private Server hosting) is a step up from shared hosting which gives many of the benefits of dedicated server hosting at a much lower price.
As such, it is an ideal solution for small business website hosting (or anyone else) who have outgrown shared hosting or want the control and security that virtual private server hosting provides. Click Here to read more.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Why You Ought To Avoid Fad Diets

You might question why fad diets are bad when the hottest sort of diet, that everyone is talking about, would seem to give results. You will without difficulty discover many sites on the internet claiming significant weight loss in just a few days.
The difficulty is that this sort of dieting just produces short-term results. The lost weight is usually mainly water which will be put straight back on as soon as your body rehydrates, which is needs to do if you are to stay in good health. Starvation diets such as a very low calorie diet are bad for you and frequently counter-productive in that you can put back more pounds than you lost when you start eating normally once more.
Other fashion diets are not so obviously crash diets making unproveable claims but they are generally over hyped diet programs that tend to be trendy for a period of time and typically generate cash for the author in related product revenues. In some instances these are helpful nutrition programs which will assist you with weight loss, but supply information that you could probably have gotten for free from your physician. There are also some diet programs which are complicated and following them is tricky work so you are likely to quit easily.
A few additional points to bear in mind:
  • Diet programs that promise quick and easy weight loss are usually based on eating more of one food category and none of another. This means that you are not getting a balanced diet. They may suggest you take dietary supplements but many supplements are not absorbed by the body unless they are taken along with the food types which the diet has banned. After a few weeks, if you stick to it so long, you may begin to develop dietary deficiencies.  
  • Fad diets are frequently monotonous and very restrictive. Following the novelty of the first day or two, you will not take pleasure in your meals. You will then begin to crave food constantly and will break the diet. You might even feel guilty, believing you are at fault for not being successful in losing weight.
  • Many fad diet programs do not follow suggestions of the American Heart Association and similar bodies for fat levels in the diet. Sometimes the diet will recommend high fat foods and low carbohydrates which if followed long term, might result in heart disease. It may well be that a diet regime may only be sold for temporary use but if you still need to lose more weight there is a temptation to continue with it - so what do you do? You have a choice of continuing with a diet which might be bad for your health or give it up and probably regain the weight you previously lost.
  • Many fad diets don't assist you to include adequate servings of fruit and vegetables in your weight loss program, or give you the range of foods that your body needs.
  • Quick weight reduction diet programs are simply a short-term answer and do not help you to make lasting changes to your eating behavior. Lasting changes are the only way to remain at your ideal weight when you arrive at it. Fad diets give raise to yo-yo diet-binge cycles of quick weight reduction and equally quick weight gain. This is worse from a health point of view and for your self-worth than if you had done nothing.
No matter what the advertising materials may say, these diets will not help you in the long term. The sensible way to achieve a weight loss is to eat a healthy diet, exercise more and let weight loss happen naturally.

Blog Hosting

The requirements for blog hosting are much the same as for any other site but you do want support for your blogging platform:
If you want to set-up and control your own blog you will need a blog hosting service. Of course you will not find this specifically, so you need a web hosting service that is user friendly for the type of blog you want. Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

The Healthy Way To Lose Weight

The quantity of overweight people has become a concern in a lot of parts of the world. If you are dangerously overweight you radically increase your chances of suffering from severe medical issues including:
  • heart problems
  • strokes
  • diabetes
  • many cancers
  • arthritic disorders
  • hypertension.
Reducing weight will help to avert and control these conditions but is hard to do specially if you are a busy person. If you do not make a rigid decision to take action you are constantly likely to put it off until some more suitable time.
Another thing you may do is go on the latest "hot" diet plan which promises a rapid loss of weight. These may require particular drinks, dietary supplements or tablets. This may be effective but it is not worth doing since what usually occurs is that as soon as you discontinue your diet you return to your previous eating patterns and put the weight back on very quickly.
A few dieters attempt starvation diet programs such as a 500-1000 calorie diet that are bad for you and can produce even poorer results. This is due to the body reacting by minimizing the energy it consumes. As soon as you go back to your normal diet it is most likely that you will finish up heavier than before.
The best approach is to recognize that you are obese due to eating the incorrect food. If you really want to achieve a suitable weight  and maintain it you have to modify your eating habits on a permanent basis, and taking the factors below into consideration:
  • Do not diet - the best long term outcome will be gained by way of slow gradual weight loss at the same time as eating a well balanced diet.
  • Don't be hungry - A number of small snacks per day is healthier than three hearty meals. Eating more frequently, and in small quantities, will help prevent eating more than you need. This will also increase your metabolism and make calories burn faster.
  • Always eat breakfast - Eating a healthy meal first thing will set-up your body for the day..
  • Drink plenty of water - Keeping your body well hydrated is important for health and also will actually help you lose weight.
  • Cut out unhealthy foods - The important thing is to eat a balanced diet. This should include plenty of fruit and vegetables. Stay away from sugar and manufactured fats but do have the omega-3 type that is contained in nuts and oily fish. Attempt to convince your whole family to join you. If you are able to keep junk food out of the home completely you won't be tempted and everyone will be healthier.
  • Take more exercise - This does not have to mean joining a gym. Small actions such as parking further away from your destination can mount up to something meaningful.
Do not persuade yourself that you do not have time to lose weight. Being the correct weight is valuable for absolutely everybody, including you. When you pay attention to your weight, you will be a healthier person in general, which leads to less down time due to sickness and a longer lifespan.

500 Calorie Diet - A Good Idea?

If you have thought about using a starvation (or very low calorie) diet you will think again after reading this article:

Restricting your food intake by using a very low calorie diet might seem a good way to lose weight fast but it doesn't work that way. Click Here to read more.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Web Hosting Company

Do you need help in choosing a web hosting company? If so have a look at this post:
Choosing a web hosting company can be difficult as there are a great many in the market. As a result it is hard, if not impossible, to know which really provide a good hosting solution at a reasonable price. Click Here to read more

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

HostGator Coupons

If you are looking for web hosting checkout the deals available from HostGator with these hostgator coupons:
To use the codes you need to copy them (or write them down) and paste them into the HostGator sign-up page instead of the "Spring" code (this only gives 20% off) ... Click Here To read more.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Web Hosting Companies - How To Decide Between Them

This interesting article looks at web hosting companies, what to look for and how to chose at good one:
With thousands of web hosting companies in the market it can be difficult, if not impossible, to know which really provide a good hosting solution at a reasonable price.
Ideally you want to find a company that will accommodate you as you grow...  Click Here To Read More.

Friday, 18 November 2011

The Best Way Of Losing Weight

How should you really go about losing weight so that you keep the weight off. This article has some interesting info:
Many people regularly try the latest diet to the point where losing weight becomes something of an obsession. But is this really just a waste of time? Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

What Is Webhosting?

Here is a useful article for anyone new to web hosting:
To set-up, control and run your own website or blog you need webhosting so that you can load the site on to a web server with a good internet connection. It is technically possible to run your own web server but there are a number of difficulties which make this impractical for most people. The best way to go is to sign up with a company providing webhosting services. Click Here to read more.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

What Exactly Is Organic Food

An interesting article explaining what organic food is and the advantages and disadvantages of buying it:
You may want to eat healthily and have wondered exactly what is organic food? You may have seen our post about healthy weight loss using The Diet Solution Program.  One of the principles behind that program is to eat organic foods wherever possible. It is therefore a good idea to look at exactly what is organic food (does it differ from natural food?) and where you can get it. Click Here to read more.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Weight Loss Hypnosis

Hypnosis can help a number of conditions and weight loss is one of the most popular applications:
Everybody has conditioned responses relating to eating, learned from early childhood onwards, and hypnosis is the best way to change these. Elsewhere on this site we review The Diet Solution Program. This teaches you how to eat a healthy diet and reach and maintain your ideal weight without feeling hungry. For some people this will work fine but there are others who eat for reasons other than hunger and this behavior can be very difficult to change.
There are two reasons that people eat:   Click Here to read more

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Healthy Weight Loss with Diet Solution Program

This article is a review of an interesting program for weight loss and healthy eating.
There are a great many diet plans available, many promising rapid results, but we were keen to find one that offers a healthy way to lose weight.

Many diets cut out whole categories of food, some are based around a single food, some involve counting calories but they are often hard work to follow and may leave you feeling hungry. As many of us know only too well, it takes considerable willpower to stick with a diet and afterwards you tend to go back to your old eating habits and put the weight back on. Click Here to read more.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Stop Snoring Tips

For some snoring may be funny but for others it is no laughing matter as it affects not only their own lives but also their partner. Such people are desperate and have tried many snoring cures.
Almost half of adults suffer from occasional snoring while an estimated 25% of them  snore frequently. By age 60 about 60% of men and 40% of women fall into the latter category.  

The cause of snoring is the airway becoming narrower as the muscles relax when you are asleep. This means that the body is finding breathing more difficult and the result is vibration in the tissues of the soft palate and the uvula which in turn create snoring sounds.

Snoring is not usually a problem for the snorer unless it develops into sleep apnea when the airways become completely blocked and the suffer wakes up gasping for breath. However that will not be the case for the partner whose sleep is affected.

How to stop snoring
is something most snorers would like to find an answer for. There are many products on the market some of which can be effective for many people but no solution, even surgery, can be guaranteed to work. The more effective aids can have side effects. A good example is the mouthpiece (this is worn in the mouth and holds the jaw in a position which maintains an open airway). Many people find this effective but it can result in a dry mouth and painful teeth.

It is therefore best to look at the common causes that you can tackle yourself before seeking help. The problem is that this is not easy to do as these are over-eating, smoking and drinking.

Things you need to do:

  • Avoid sleeping on your back - Snoring is more likely in this position for anyone as it is easier for the jaw (or the tongue) to drop and obstruct breathing.
  • Stop/Cut down smoking, particularly in the evening - You are approximately twice as likely to snore if you are a smoker. Smoke will irritate the lining of the throat causing it to swell. In fact the probability of snoring increases along with the number of cigarettes smoked each day.
  • Lose weight - Overweight individuals have more fatty tissues in the throat which means a narrower air passageway which is more likely to become obstructed. Fat accumulating around the neck is more common in men.
  • Reduce Alcohol (and try and avoid any other drugs that cause drowsiness) - these make the muscles in the throat relax and allow the airway to narrow plus the tongue may also relax and fall back making breathing even more difficult. In the worst case alcohol may induce obstructive sleep apnea in people who are otherwise just snorers.

The above actions will be beneficial to your general health so stopping snoring might just be the motivation you need.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Types Of Hearing Aids

When buying a hearing aid these days you are likely considering a digital model as these produce better audio quality and can be adjusted to your specific needs.
You will find numerous models available to select from and, if your hearing loss is mild (probably age related), you will have to find a good balance between cosmetic and comfort factors and price. As you can't know in advance what you will find comfortable or acceptable it is vital that there is a trial period during which you can return the hearing aid.
There are two basic types of hearing aids, those that fit externally behind the ear and those that fit internally in the ear. On the whole the cost of hearing aids is more the smaller they are.
Over The Ear Models
These fit behind the ear and a small almost invisible tube connects to an earmold that fits in the ear canal. This is usually the least costly type of hearing aid and its other benefits include:
  • As the earmold is separate from the device itself it can be changed at will to find the most comfortable fit.
  • It is larger so is easier to handle, will have easier to use controls and probably more features.
  • Will use larger batteries so battery life will be better.
On the other hand:
  • Most visible type of hearing aid.
  • Inconvenient when undertaking physical activity.
  • Can be affected by sweat and moisture in general.
  • Inconvenient having two pieces to put on and use.
It is also possible to buy "open fit" over the ear models. These are usually smaller and use a comfortable ear piece rather than an earmold. Their size means that they are less noticeable which is a major factor for many wearers. However they are only suitable for mild/moderate hearing loss.
In Ear Hearing Aids
With these the hearing aid is one unit the goes in the ear. Difference types are worn:
  • In the ear - These are made to fit the bowl-shaped area of the outer ear and will be visible in a face to face situation.
  • In the canal -This type fit in the upper part of the ear canal and whilst they are less visible they can still be seen by other people.
  • Completely in the canal. These very small aids fit deep into the ear and are virtually undetectable.
In general the smaller a hearing aid is the fewer features it will have, the harder it will be to handle and the shorter its battery life will be.
Advantages are:
  • Provide the best appearance, the smallest in ear devices will not be seen.
  • Enable normal use of telephones.
  • All in one unit is easy to use.
Against this:
  • Difficult to use and operate for persons with dexterity or eyesight problems (small size and battery).
  • Require more maintenance and have poorer reliability than external types.
  • Vulnerable to wax and moisture.
  • Can be a problem fitting in anyone with small ears.
The prices of hearing aids are usually high if purchased via an audiologist but big savings can be made through online shopping.

Hearing Aids Cost

The prices of Hearing aids can come as a shock to people needing such a device. This article looks at why this is the case and what you can do about it:
The latest digital hearing aids can cost several thousand dollars and, although they are sophisticated devices compared with the basic hearing aids available in the past, their prices seem high compared to other electronic products. Click Here to read more.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Are You Sure You Really Want To Stop Smoking?

Have you tried to quit smoking? Maybe you made a new years resolution to do this with good intentions but drifted back to your old habits by the end of January.
This is not untypical, giving-up smoking is very difficult and requires considerable determination and willpower to do it on your own. It is estimated that only 5-10% of smokers who try to quit without any help will achieve their aim.
Nicotine addiction is strong and you will get unpleasant withdrawal symptoms but the main problem is the psychological addiction. This refers to the way that you come to associate particular actions, being in certain situations and certain feelings with smoking. When these occur taking out a cigarette seems the natural thing to do and you feel a strong craving to do so.
Below are some points to consider:
  • Be sure that you really want to quit. Do not do it to please someone else because you will not have the motivation and, despite whatever help is available, you are unlikely to succeed.
  • Make notes of all the points in favor of quitting so that you can return them if you find yourself wavering. In particular work out how much money you will save and what you can do with it.
  • Prior to quitting it is important to track your smoking and the daily triggers that cause you to smoke. Understanding the details of your smoking habits and triggering emotions or activities will be vital in your fight to stop smoking.
  • Select a date when you plan to quit and make sure that family, friends and colleagues know about it. This way you put pressure on yourself to go through with it and people should support you and avoid putting temptation in your way.
  • Have a clearout at home and work and get rid of everything related to smoking in any way.
  • Consider your smoking habits and plan healthy alternatives to smoking in the situations you used to smoke. If this is difficult you should consider avoiding these situations whenever possible. Be careful not to replace smoking with eating unhealthy foods.
  • Get some support. This might be a local support group, an online program or just family and friends. This will make it much more likely that you will keep going.
There are also a wide range of commercial products available which can help. Most of these aim to ease the physical withdrawal symptoms in the early days. These include prescription drugs, homeopathic remedies and nicotine replacement programs of various types. There are also various therapies that can teach you how to train your mind to stop associating certain situations with smoking. Perhaps the most successful of these is hypnosis. You still have to want to stop and it is not for everybody but many people have said that this made the difference in them becoming a long term non-smoker.
The bottom line is that the key answer to the question "how to quit smoking" is to really want to do it and be prepared to do whatever is necessary to succeed.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Hearing Aids Prices

Modern hearing aids are much better than their predecessors but their prices come as a shock to many. This article looks at buying online to save money:
Modern digital hearing aids can make it much easier to live with hearing loss (although they cannot restore your hearing in the same way that glasses can restore eyesight) but they can be expensive.
Hearing aids prices vary from less than $100 for a disposal hearing aid to several thousand dollars for a top of the range digital hearing aid. Click Here to read more.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Free Web Hosting Sites

Free hosting is a popular search term on Google. It is certainly available but it it a good idea for people new to hosting. This article has some advice:
When first setting up their website or blog many people look at  free hosting sites. Should you go for this or is it better to pay for your hosting?
Well it really depends on what you are doing. If your site is personal and the performance of the host is not critical and your demands are not high, then  free web hosting sites may be fine, however you need to know what you are doing because support will be limited. If your site is business related you should always go for a paid service. Free web hosting sites exist for different reasons. They may be advertising supported, they may offer a limited version of a paid package (assuming that you will upgrade), they may be linked to some other service which you pay for and in some cases they really are just offering a free service.
However when you use free web service hosting you cannot expect to get the sort of service you would expect from a paid supplier:.. Click Here To Read More

Friday, 14 October 2011

About Contact Lenses

Perhaps you are thinking of joining the increasing ranks of contact lens wearers. A lot of people with vision problems prefer contacts because they are more comfortable than glasses and they do not affect their appearance. Glasses slip down your nose, weigh on your ears and nose, and have glare problems with light. You also have to have special lenses or an extra pair to keep the sun from blinding you when wearing glasses. Contacts lenses avoid all this and simply correct your vision problems and allow you to see perfectly normally. Most individuals won't even realize you are wearing a contact lens because they are virtually impossible to see in your eye.
A lot has changed since contacts were first introduced. A hard contact lens was the first lens to be made. This type of contact lens was made of a glass material making it very rigid and very uncomfortable for your eye. As a result most people chose glasses as the were cheaper and easier to wear. After all it was very easy to scratch your eye with a hard contact lens when trying to get it out because of the rigidity of the material. These type of lenses were then superseded by polymer based lenses which resulted in greater comfort. However these did not solve another problem - the lenses blocked oxygen flow to the eye and this caused problems with long term use.
The latest products are silicon hydrogel lenses. These are known as soft contact lenses. The material is like plastic and conforms to the eye easier than their earlier counterparts. They are also thinner and allow oxygen through. This thinner material tends to tear easily, but gives more comfort to your eye. It is an almost weightless material so your eye will barely feel its presence.
The arrival of silicon hydrogel lenses has also brought a range of colored lens which can be used to change your eye color. You may have seen some one with violet, jade, yellow or red eyes. These color contacts can be very effective but there is a downside. They are a bit heavier than normal lenses and they tend to let less oxygen through to the eye. Contact lenses are also available to correct to correct more serous vision problems such as astigmatisms. For people who need to correct both far and nearsightedness bi-focal contact lenses are also available.
The first step in getting contact lenses is to have an eye exam and get your prescription covering the lens type you require (of course you have to take the advice of your eye doctor on this). You can then buy a small quantity of the prescribed lenses to ensure that you can live happily with them. At that point you can think about buying contact lenses on the internet. Buying contacts on line is actually much easier than buying spectacles online as in the latter case there are many more choices to make. With contacts you simply have to enter your prescription and you will get exactly the same lenses at a much lower price.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Glasses vs. Contact Lenses

A broad estimate of the number of contract lens wearers worldwide is in excess of one hundred million. Clearly a lot of people like them and as improvements are constantly being made their practicality increases.  But there are disadvantages so it might not be a good idea to rush into disposing of your glasses.
The key benefit of contact lenses is that you can correct your eyesight problems without having to wear glasses. It will not be obvious to anyone else that you are wearing them so there is no effect on your appearance (however, you do have the option of changing the appearance of your eyes and there are many decorative contacts available for this purpose). You also avoid other irritating problems relating to wearing glasses:
  • The simple fact that you have to wear something on your face may be something that you find irritating and uncomfortable.
  • The way that glasses mist up in certain conditions or get wet in rain or snow making it difficult to see anything.
  • Poor peripheral vision with glasses.
  • Any activity, such as some sports, where glasses can come off or sustain damage are difficult for glasses wearers.
On the other hand glasses have the advantage that they are external to the eye so cannot do any damage to the eye and only require a quick clean occasionally.  In addition having purchased your glasses they should be useable for several years.
Contact lens are worn internally in the eye and inevitably are quite delicate leading to a number of disadvantages:
  • As they are worn in the eye the chances of getting an eye infection are quite high.
  • It is important to follow a regular schedule of removing and maintaining lenses to control the infection risk. You can avoid this by using disposable lenses but the cost will be greater.
  • Contact lenses need replacing regularly so you are committed to ongoing purchases that will make them more expensive than glasses.
  • It is important to have regular eye checkups when wearing contacts and this is another cost to bear in mind.
In conclusion contacts are superior to glasses in several ways but you must accept that they will cost more and you must look after your eyes and your lenses properly. If you cannot do the latter you will be better off sticking with glasses.

Where to buy them from
In the case of both glasses and contact lenses you should start by getting a proper eye examination and prescription. Having done that you can save a significant amount by buying online.
Contacts can be purchased from several good online retailers and you will get exactly the same lenses but it is advisable to make sure you are happy with the lenses prescribed by buying some locally in the first instance.
Purchasing spectacles online is a bit more complex and you may be better buying your first pair locally. These can subsequently be used to help define your purchase online.

How To Stop Smoking - The Aids Available

There are lots of aids and therapies available to help you stop smoking. Some sort of support is essential as few people succeed on their own:
Many smokers would like to quit and you might be looking for information on how to give up smoking having made unsuccessful attempts in the past. This is not unusual as quitting smoking requires determination and you need to really make a very firm decision to do so. It may help to write down why you to want to quit, to remind you when the going gets tough.
The problem is that smoking is both a physical and psychological addiction and beating the physical addition is the easy part (relatively).  People smoke because: Click Here To Read More.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Extended Wear Contact Lenses

An increasing amount of people who suffer from eyesight problems who wear contact lenses are turning to using extended wear contact lenses. There are many benefits to be realized through the use of extended wear contact lenses. Without doubt the most significant benefit is their convenience and ease of use. In fact a user of extended wear contact lenses could simply  insert the lenses and then go about their daily life and forget about them for a month.
In practice that would not be an advisable course of action and a wearer should be a bit more careful about his or her eye health. In actual fact wearing contact lenses for a long period without any "maintenance" is bad practice from an eye health point of view.
Experts in this field often suggest removing lenses from the eyes daily and cleaning them even if they are the extended wear type. Even with extended wear lenses, dirt and debris accumulate on the lenses in a very short period of time. Despite the fact that extended wear lenses are designed to remain in place for longer periods of time, this does not mean that dirt and debris accumulation will not occur at least on some level.
In fact a significant proportion of wearers of these lenses actually report greater eye comfort when they do remove their lenses for cleaning on a daily basis. (Some people even find that through a daily routine that includes a clean of their lenses they are able to extend the period of time for which they lenses last).
Some professionals go further with their guidance on the use of extended wear contacts. These docs contend that even extended wear lenses should not be worn when a person intends to sleep for more than several hours. This means that these experts want even extended wear contacts to removed every night which, it has to be admitted, rather defeats the point of buying such lenses in the first place.
At the end of the day, when you have decide on the type of contact lenses to buy, it is important to consult with a qualified eye doctor to determine what type of lens will best suit your particular needs. Regardless of the type of contact lens you choose to buy, you will need to make sure that you have regular eye examinations and that you maintain your lenses properly through cleaning on a regular basis.
Regardless of the type of contact lenses that you decide on don't forget that you can purchase cheap contact lenses and spectacles online and make major savings. With contacts though you should make sure that you are happy with those prescribed before buying a larger quantity online.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Buy Hearing Aids Online

It is estimated that at least 30 million men and women in the US would benefit from a hearing aid but, for many, the cost of a good hearing aid makes it a major purchase. Modern digital hearing aids can make it much easier to live with hearing loss (although they cannot restore your hearing in the same way that glasses can restore eyesight) but they are certainly not cheap.

The cost of hearing aids varies from well under a hundred dollars for a simple analogue model to several thousand dollars for a top of the range digital hearing aid. The two types of hearing aid available are:

  • Analogue hearing aids - which are the traditional type. These pick up sounds with a microphone, amplify them and feed them to the user via an eyepiece. Usually the only adjustment is the volume.
  • Digital hearing aids - which are now becoming the norm, are more like mini computers. Their big advantage is that they can process the sound before feeding it to the wearer. As a result they can be programmed to take into account the wearer's particular pattern of hearing loss. In addition extra functionality can be built in such as multiple microphones to give some directionality to the sounds.

If you realize that your hearing has deteriorated you should first consult an audiologist who will assess the problem and advise if a hearing aid is appropriate. If so, the audiologist will test your hearing and produce an audiogram then sell you a suitable hearing aid (or possibly two). This will then be programmed it to match the audiogram and then fitted to ensure it is comfortable.

The problem is that hearing aids prices are inevitably high when bought this way (as a large majority of hearing aids are). The big brands sell their products through audiologists and put considerable efforts into getting audiologists to stock their products. In turn audiologists do not want the same products offered cheaper elsewhere, so manufacturers do not allow this. As a result prices are maintained at a high level.

In defence of this position audiologists can highlight their costs, the training they have received and the standard of personal service provided. However, the bottom line is that hearing aids prices have more to do with lack of competition than anything else.

However, some manufacturers do produce hearing aids under other names which are sold online. Clearly this means that you do not get a personal service but for most people there will be no problems. If this interests you, have a look at Century Hearing Aids who offer a 60 day money back trial. Their hearings aids are made by a US manufacturer and are approved by the FDA. Their prices are much less but quality is the same.

It has to be admitted that purchasing online has its drawbacks and about twenty percent of people will not be happy (usually due to the lack of a personal fitting service) so it is important to be able to get a refund if necessary. But, bearing in mind the savings that can be made by buying online, it is certainly worth trying this method.

If you suffer from Tinnitus a hearing aid may help but you may also be interested in our Tinnitus Miracle Review. This is a comprehensive guide to the ear and hearing in general with much information on Tinnitus and how to treat it.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Hearing Aids Prices

If need a hearing aid look at this post before buying:
Century Hearing aids provide an online alternative for people shocked by the prices charged by audiologists. Modern digital hearing aids by the big brands like Phonak, Miracle Ear, Oticon etc. are quality products that are much better at improving hearing quality that the old analogue hearing aids. The problem with them is their high cost. Click Here to read more.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Quitting Smoking - Useful Aids

If you are a smoker who is looking at quitting smoking aids then you have a number of options. If you want to quit smoking you will find it extremely difficult without help:

Buying An Electronic Cigarette
There are now many electronic cigarettes available (although avoid the cheap ones) and these may be a good option depending on what you want to achieve. These are sold as an alternative to smoking normal cigarettes which is cheaper, cleaner and harmless to others. Whether they produce nicotine (and the amount) is up to the user but it can be zero. The electronic cigarette satisfies your psychological need to smoke so you are not actually quitting smoking but doing it in a harmless way.

Medications to Ease Withdrawal Symptoms
There are also many products that help relieve the withdrawal symptoms that you experience when quitting smoking, some of which are natural products. Smoke Deter is an example of the latter being a homeopathic product which is sprayed beneath the tongue when required to provide relief from withdrawal symptoms.

Hypnosis For Smoking
Of all the methods of stopping smoking the one with the highest success rate is hypnosis. This is nothing like the stage acts where a hypnotist makes people do silly things. The treatments for stopping smoking will help but you must first have made up you mind that you really want to stop smoking and are prepared to do something about it.

The basis of quit smoking hypnosis is that the majority of the addiction to cigarettes is psychological. Of course there is a very strong physical addition to nicotine and in the first week or so the withdrawal symptoms may make it seem impossible to give up. But after that period it is the mental and emotional aspects of smoking that are the problem.

The reason is that smokers come to sub consciously associate particular activities and situations with smoking. This often includes drinking alcohol and many other social activities but can be simple things like settling down to watch TV. Hypnosis helps eliminate the unconscious associations that cause you to crave cigarettes, thereby removing the conditioned urge to smoke. Hypnosis can also help you stay motivated by reinforcing the beliefs that gave you the desire to quit smoking in the first place. Hypnosis will help you train your unconscious mind to focus on the advantages of stopping smoking whilst combating the cravings to smoke and motivating you to stay committed to quitting.

Of course this cannot be achieved overnight and will require commitment from you.

Best Way Forward
As mentioned above the key to quitting smoking is to really want to do it. If you are just doing it in a half hearted way to please someone else you will not succeed. However, if you are determined, quitting smoking does not have to be an agonizing process. You can use a combination of quit smoking aids such as a prescription medicine to control the physical withdrawal symptoms and hypnosis to control the mental issues. This should mean that you lose the cravings to smoke and remain a non-smoker long term.

One of the side effects of smoking is the staining of your teeth that occurs. It is now possible to get rid of this and whiten your teeth at home. Doing this will improve your appearance and give you another reason to stop smoking. For more information please visit

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Stop Smoking Hypnosis

Hypnosis is probably the most successful stop smoking aid as smoking addiction is not just physical:

Quit smoking hypnosis is one of the most successful methods of quitting smoking with a success rate of about 60%. However this depends on finding a skilled hypnotist and paying for multiple sessions, making it rather an expensive option. An affordable alternative is hypnosis audio programs which you can download or buy on CD.  These can be just as effective and have the advantage that you can use them multiple times. Click Here to read more.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Smoke Deter Spray

There are many products available to help with quitting smoking but Smoke Deter is one of the most simple and easy to use:
Smoke Deter is a homeopathic sublingual spray which aims to relieve multiple symptoms experienced when stopping smoking (including increased appetite). As it is a homeopathic treatment the ingredients are used at very low levels so there are no side effects. The actual ingredients....  Click Here to read more.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Are Electronic Cigarettes Worth Buying?

Electronic cigarettes are a modern alternative to traditional cigarettes. They give the sensation of smoking without many of the disadvantages:   It is now easy to buy Electronic Cigarette starter packs (also known as E cigarette or smokeless cigarette) which contain all you need and are an increasing popular alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. Click Here to read more.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Solve Vision Problems Naturally

Natural solutions to vision problems are worth trying (on cost grounds alone) before you go for glasses or contacts:

If you start noticing vision problems, such as difficulty focusing on distant objects, there are some natural solutions you can try. Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Discount Eyeglasses Online

When buying glasses online you need to get frames that fit and make the right choices about the extras offered:

If you are looking for discount eyeglasses then you need to be looking online. Buying eyeglasses online does have some drawbacks but these are more than made up for by the savings you can make.
The first step in buying discount eyeglasses online is to choose your frames. Online stores usually have a large selection but you need to be sure that they will fit. The best way to do this is to .... Click Here to read more.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Tinnitus Miracle Review

Tinnitus can be debilitating for sufferers and in many cases doctors cannot help. This book details natural methods which work for many people: 
"Tinnitus Miracle" is a comprehensive guide to the ear and hearing in general, an explanation of tinnitus and its causes, and a large section on how to treat it. It includes guidance of working out the cause of your tinnitus so that your treatment can be tailored accordingly. Click Here to read more.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Discount Contact Lenses Online

You can get good deals on contact lenses online buy you do need to understand the regulations covering this trade:
If you are a contact lens wearer you would no doubt like to find a source of discount contact lenses that offers the best price and is convenient and reliable.
If you are happy to order online you can get just what you are looking for. Ordering on line has considerable benefits..... Click Here to read more.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Buying Eyeglasses Online

Should you buy eyeglasses online for is personal service too important in getting suitable glasses that fit well:
Buying eyeglasses online might appear the natural thing to do, given all the other things that we now purchase this way, but you do need to be aware of a few points.... Click Here to read more.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Buy Glasses Online

There are considerable savings to be made by buying glasses online but you need a current prescription first:
You may have wondered if it is a good idea to buy glasses online. Obviously you can't try them first to see if they suit you and how can you be sure they will fit properly? Most importantly will they correct your vision as well as those bought from a bricks and mortar store?
Well the good news is that none of these things is really a problem, it is easy to buy glasses online and you will save a significant amount of money. Click Here to read more.

Monday, 22 August 2011

How To Stop Snoring

If snoring is a problem for you there are lots of devices to help but you also need to look for the underlying cause:

If snoring is causing you (or your partner) to have sleepless nights you may be desperate to find out how to stop snoring.

A good first step is to try and understand why you are snoring in the first place. By learning about the common causes of snoring, you will be better prepared to address the problem so you can finally enjoy a restful night's sleep. Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Snoring Cures

If you are looking for a snoring cure you may look at all the options and wonder where to start. This article gives you a good starting point:
There are lots of snoring cures on the market that claim to provide a solution for people who are desperate to stop snoring. Some are more effective than others but there is no one solution that works for everyone. The aim of this article is to look at the types of snoring cures that you can buy. Click Here to read more.


Although mouthpieces are one of the more intrusive anti snoring devices you can buy they are amongst the most effective:  
VitalSleep is an FDA approved mouthpiece designed to prevent snoring. Although a mouthpiece is not the most appealing of the snoring cures you can buy, it can be amongst the most effective. If you have tried less intrusive options such as oral sprays and they have not worked for you it might be time to try VitalSleep.

What is it?
VitalSleep is a flexible thermoplastic mouthpiece designed to be worn during sleep. It is suitable for both men and women as the fit is fully customizable. It is supplied with a storage case, instruction manual and adjustment tools.
VitalSleep is an FDA-cleared, Class II medical device.....  Click Here to read more.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

SnoreZip Review

This is a very easy to use anti-snoring product but does it work:
Snore Zip is a natural, easy to use, snoring cure.

If snoring is a problem for you and your partner you are no doubt keen to find a solution. There are many physical products on the market but these can be intrusive and uncomfortable. Snore Zip offers a simple and pleasant alternative. Click Here to read more.

My Snoring Solution

Do anti-snoring devices really work? This article looks at one such product:
My Snoring Solution is a physical support which is claimed to be an "effective anti-snoring solution".

Millions of people suffer with snoring issues which as well as damaging their health can also affect their relationships and the lives of those around them. If you are struggling to get a good nights sleep and feel exhausted and sleepy during the day you are doubtless desperate to find a snoring cure. You may have seen My Snoring Solution and wondered if it is worth a try. Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Solar Pool Heaters - A Viable Alternative?

Been thinking about a solar pool heater? If so this article has a lot of useful information:

A solar pool heater uses energy from the sun to heat your pool – which of course is free and environmentally friendly.
It has other advantages too:
Click Here to read more.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Top Web Hosting

Good web hosting is now even more important if you want to get a high Google ranking. This article goes through the points you need to consider:
If you are starting an online business it is essential that you sign up with a good web hosting service. By using a well established and reliable provider you should have few problems and will be able to offer a good service to your customers through your website always being available and loading quickly.
Google are now taking loading speed into account when generating their search results so if you will be aiming for a good search engine ranking, top web hosting is even more important. Click Here to read more.

Web Hosting Services

When signing up for hosting there are a few contractual issues that you should be aware of that are covered in this article:
If you are setting up your own website or blog you will need to sign-up with one of the many website hosting services. This will give you space on a web server, with a fast internet link, where you can host your site. There are number of types of web hosting services available and for more information on these see our post on web hosting.
 Before signing up with one of the web hosting services you should do some research on domain names. Most web hosting services will register a domain name for you but you need to understand....  Click Here to read more.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Pentair MasterTemp Gas Pool Heater

If you are looking for a gas pool heater the Pentair MasterTemp is worth considering:
The Pentair MasterTemp Pool Heaters series are a range of low NOx gas powered pool heaters with models from 175k to 400k BTU. There are models for both propane and natural gas including two "heavy duty" models for the latter.
Despite its functionality the Pentair MasterTemp is compact. It measures only 21" x 21" x 28" (L x W x H) so is easy to install even where space is limited. A rotating digital display ensures that the controls are easy to see and use regardless of how the heater is positioned. The cabinet is a tough composite material which is not affected by heat or the weather..    Click Here to read more.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Should You Buy A Laser Printer?

Thinking about buying a new printer? This post looks at the merits of different types:

Should you be thinking about purchasing a new printer you might be wondering about the relative merits of a laser printer as opposed to an inkjet printer. To generalise we are able to say that laser printers create excellent text documents  and decent images and do so quickly. With inkjet printers it is the otherway about, first-rate pictures and graphics but less impressive text and both produced slowly.

To make this decision you need to consider....  Click Here to read more.

Pool Heat Pumps

Looking for a pool heater? You should consider a heat pump as this will probably be the cheapest option:
Air source heat pumps are an increasing popular way for heating a pool. They are cheap to run and environmentally friendly but do have some disadvantages.
What is a Heat Pump?
A heat pump is a device for moving heat from one location to another. In the case of pool heat pumps heat is taken from the surrounding air and transferred to the pool water. A heat pump providing heating for a house is likely to be a ground source heat pump where the heat is taken from the ground using a length of well buried pipes. The efficiency of air source heat pumps declines with the air temperature and ice formation is a problem at low temperatures.  Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

HP Laserjet P4014n

If you are looking a a good office laser printer then this might be for you:
The HP Laserjet P4014n is a fast and reliable mono network laser printer ideally suited to a small business or departmental environment. There are a host of optional extras available which means it can be configured to meet individual requirements for paper handling (including duplex printing) and connectivity.

Key Features: Very fast printing - up to 45 pages per minute....  Click Here to read more.

Pentair Heat Pump

If you are looking for a pool heat pump this one has the USP of eco friendly at the end of its life:

The UltraTemp Pentair Heat Pump is a high performance pool heater with the distinction of being the first pool heat pump charged with a non-ozone depleting refrigerant (R410A).

The UltraTemp heat pump range includes models ranging from 108 – 125k BTU/hr one of which features the option to reverse the system to cool the pool. Heat pumps are environmentally friendly as they are very efficient, do not create any emissions and this one is even environmentally friendly at the end of its working life. 

Unusually you have a choice of color (Black or Almond) for the casing, which is a nice touch but not a major factor in deciding to buy one. Some of the features of this

Pentair Heat Pump that are more interesting are:.... Click Here to read more

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Raypak Pool Heaters

There are only a few companies in the pool heater market and Raypak are on of the big players:

Raypak pool heaters are produced by Raypak inc. a California based company specializing in water heating systems including commercial boilers, water heaters and control systems, pool and spa heaters, and residential boilers. Founded in 1947 has grown rapidly and now supplies its products worldwide. Its goals have always been to achieve high quality, reliability and energy efficiency. The company was pleased to become the first boiler manufacturer to achieve ISO 9001 registration in 1996.

The current range of Raypak Pool Heaters is: ...  Click Here to read more.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

HP Laserjet 1320 Series

The HP 1320 series has proved a popular "workhorse" for office use over the years since its launch:
The HP Laserjet 1320 laser printer series has been available since 2004 and has proved popular with users.
There are 4 models in the range:

HP 1320 - Basic version for use with a single computer. USB or Parallel connectivity
HP 1320n - Network version for multiple users. Ethernet or USB connectivity
HP 1320nw - As 1320n but with Wireless connectivity
HP 1320tn - As 1320n but with additional paper tray

All models feature:
1,200 dpi laser quality
Up to 22 ppm, "Instant-on Technology" allows first page out in 8.5 seconds
Automatic 2-sided printing (auto duplexing), 16 MB RAM, expandable to 144 MB
Rated at 10,000 pages per month duty cycle
PC and Mac compatible

Click Here to read more

Raypak Heat Pump

Heat Pumps are becoming more popular because of the very high efficiency levels. The Raypac Classic heat pump is a good value example:
The  Raypak Classic Series Heat Pump pool heater is available in three power levels ranging from 95 to 133k BTU/hr. There is also a 110k BTU/hr version which is reversible enabling it to cool a pool in summer.
 A heat pump may cost more than a gas heater to buy but they are extremely efficient devices which can be 3 to 4 times cheaper to run than natural gas and 6 to 7 times cheaper than propane. They are not as powerful, so cannot heat a pool as quickly, so are ideal if you heat your pool constantly. Click Here to read more.

Jandy Legacy Pool Heater

If you are looking for a great value gas pool heater and do not need a low NOx model, then the Jandy Legacy should be considered:
The Jandy Legacy pool heaters are available with input power capacities of 125k - 400k BTU/hr and use either propane or natural gas. They feature either electronic or millivolt ignition and have an efficiency rating of 83%.
These pool heaters are energy efficient (but not as efficient as the more expensive Jandy pool heaters). Also they are not rated as low NOx. They are, however, built to last, are user friendly  and provide good value for money. Click Here to read more

Laars Pool Heaters (Now Jandy Pool Heaters)

It is interesting how difficult it is to change brand names. Residential pool heaters have not been sold under the Laars name for some time but it is searched for more frequently that the current brand names:

Looking around the web there seems to be considerable confusion as to the correct name for this range of heaters. I have seen them under Laars Pool Heaters, Teledyne Laars Pool Heaters and Jandy Pool Heaters. The history of this is rather complicated but as I understand it the following is what happened.

Laars Engineers was formed in the late 1940s and pool heaters was one of its key products. It was bought by Teledyne in the mid 1960s and became Teledyne Laars. In 1996 Teledyne bought Jandy Industries and started marketing their pool heaters under that name (but sometimes including the Laars name). In the late 1990s Teledyne split the business up with Jandy taking the residential pool business and Laars Heating Systems (which still exists) the commercial side. In 2007.... Click Here to read more.

Monday, 27 June 2011

HP Laserjet P1102w

If you are looking for a small laser printer for use with a home network this HP Laserjet could well be the answer:

The HP Laserjet P1102w (or to give it its full title HP Laserjet Pro 1102w) is a compact wireless mono laser printer. It works with Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Mac.

As you might expect at its price, the P1102w does not have a lot of fancy features. You basically get a small laser printer which produces good quality output fast. Its key benefit is the wireless networking...  Click Here to read more.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Jandy Hi-E2

This is certainly a top of the range pool heater as far as residential applications are concerned:

The Jandy Hi-E2 pool heater is an excellent product that has been described as "the best pool heater money can buy". It is certainly impressive but it must be said that it has a price to match. It is a 350k BTU/hr gas heater for either natural gas or propane.

The most striking thing in the specifications for the Hi-E2 is its incredible energy efficiency rating of 95%... Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Hayward Universal H Series

The Hayward H series of gas pool heaters includes the Universal H series of low NOx electronic heaters and the H Series Millivolt heaters:

The Hayward Universal H Series is a series of pool and spa heaters ranging from 150K to 400K BTU/hr with versions for either natural gas or propane. The key benefit of these heaters is their energy efficiency and low NOx emission levels which comply with all current California and Texas air quality emission standards.

The Hayward Universal H-Series heaters feature an industry leading 83%-84% thermal efficiency and this plus the low NOx emissions make these heaters about as environmentally friendly as a gas heater can be. This energy efficiency is achieved through the use of an insulated fire tile combustion chamber which minimizes heat loss and maximizes the heat output for every BTU used.... Click Here to read more.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Cat Condo - Great For Your Cat And You

Cat furniture like a cat condo can keep your pets happy, particularly in a multi-cat household:

You can get a Cat Condo in a variety of sizes and designs and, like cat trees, they are intended to provide your cat with a vertical space on which to climb, play and hide.

The difference between a cat tree and a cat condo is rather a grey area but in general .... Click Here to read more.

Why Your Cat Will Love A Cat Tree

Cat furniture such as a cat tree has several benefits both for a cat and other residents of your house:

Cat trees come in a range of sizes and designs but all are intended to give your cat a vertical space to climb, play and hide on. Most double as scratching posts and are usually better than stand alone scratching posts because they allow the cat to stretch out full length when scratching.

Cats love to be high up and giving them a quality cat tree will reduce the incentive to climb up other things .... Click Here To Read More

Friday, 27 May 2011

Types Of Pool Heater

Having decided that you want a heater for your pool you then need to decide which type. The main types are gas, solar and electric (mainly heat pumps) but even within these there are a number of choices to be made.
Gas Powered Heaters
These are the most common type and they have the advantage of being able to provide heat faster than other options as they are more powerful. Units designed for above-ground pools (such as the Pentair Minimax NT) typically supply around 100k BTU, on the other hand a heater designed for an in ground pool (such as the Jandy/Zodiac LXi) can provide up to about 400k BTU. This is particularly useful if you heat the pool intermittently and therefore need to raise the temperature quickly. Click Here to read more.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Spa Pool Heaters

Spa pools are mainly used for relaxation purposes and therefore it is common to have a heating system installed in them. Spa pool heaters not only provide a comfortable soothing experience that is perfect for unwinding after a long day, they also extend the season of the spa pool so that they can still be used during a cold weather.

 The normal range to which a spa pool is heated is 97 to 102 degrees.  This is considerably higher than the normal temperature of a swimming pool but spa pools are much smaller, typically not more than eight square feet and less than four feet deep. As a result the requirements for a heating system are less than those of a swimming pool. Click Here to read more.

The North Face Box Shot Backpack

Another great backpack from The North Face. This one is spacious enough to carry larger laptops:

The North Face Box Shot Backpack is a very spacious daypack that can be used mainly as a laptop bag but is also suitable for a schoolbag, traveling bag, or outdoor bag. Whatever purpose you use this bag for, you are assured of the high quality that you can expect from any of The North Face bags.

The main compartment includes a sufficiently padded laptop sleeve with a strap that can hold in place most 17-inch laptops. Click Here to read more.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Why Your Cat Will Love A Cat Tree

Cat trees have a number of benefits both for a cat and its owner but it is worth getting a good quality product:

Cat trees come in a range of sizes and designs but all are intended to give your cat a vertical space to climb, play and hide on. Most double as scratching posts and are usually better than stand alone scratching posts because they allow the cat to stretch out full length when scratching.

Cats love to be high up and giving them a quality cat tree will reduce the incentive to climb up other things.

In a multi-cat household a

cat tree can have another function. It will allow the cats to display their hierarchy with the dominant cat taking the highest space. It can mean that cats there were squabbling previously can co-exist peacefully because everyone has their place.

Click Here to read more.

The Best Range Of Fishing Rods - From Lamiglas

To be a successful fisherman you need to make sure that you have the correct type of rod for the environment you are fishing in and the sort of fish you want to catch. 

Lamiglas fishing rods is a great fishing rod brand that has a rod for your exact needs. They claim to have the world's largest selection of technique specific rods across all price ranges. Whether it is rods for salmon and steelhead, bass fishing, saltwater fishing, surf fishing, fly fishing rods, rod blanks and more they make a high quality fishing rod at an affordable price. Their rods are known for being durable and well made, each one backed by a  limited lifetime warranty.

Click Here to read more.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Lamiglas XMG 50 Review

A range of thirteen rods made to the usual high standards by Lamiglas:
The Lamiglas XMG 50 salmon/steelhead range is a dream rod for every fisherman.

This rod is one you can use to catch all types of fish in various types of environments. If you would like to fish with confidence, like what the tag line of Lamiglas says, then you should own an XMG 50. These rods promise to make every moment in fishing count! The beautifully crafted rod is very easy to carry as it is light weight so hours of fishing will not put strain on the hands and the back.

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Why You Need To Understand Cat Behavior

Cats cannot be trained in the same way as dogs but by understanding why they do things you can modify their behavior:
If you want to get the most from owning a cat you need to learn about cat behavior. You will then be able to avoid many of the problems that cat owners struggle with and have a fun and loving relationship with your pet.
If a cat continually misbehaves it will cause stress all round, particularly if you go the wrong way about trying to correct this behavior. So how do you train a cat?

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Monday, 9 May 2011

What To Look For In A Surf Fishing Rod

This article looks at surf fishing rods in general then some good examples from Lamiglas:  
Surf Fishing Rods are unique in design and characteristics. You need to select carefully the rod that will best fit your needs. To help with this choice you might like to consider the following.

The power of a surf rod is known as the backbone. It is the backbone that determines the type of fish you can target.  Surf fish are powerful so you need a rod that has strong backbone. At the same time a long casting distance is an advantage so you really need a rod with a medium power rating designed specially for surf fishing.
Surf fishing requires the ability to cast long distances. In order to be able to cast as far out as possible surf fishing rods should be long. A good length would be between 10 feet and 12 feet.  This delivers a reasonable compromise between ease of casting and casting distance.

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Above Ground Pool Heaters

Pool heaters for above ground pools are designed for this purpose. This post explains why and gives some examples:

Pools which are located above ground differ from in ground pools in a number of ways in addition to the obvious fact that they are elevated. Large above ground pools are not very practical and therefore they tend to be significantly smaller than in ground pools. If someone wants a large pool it is far more practical to build an in ground pool. So if you want to extend the swimming season of an above ground pool the requirements for a pool heater are different.

When looking for a heater for an above ground pool there are a number of options. As the volume of water is relatively small it is possible to use an electric pool heater. These are cheaper than gas heaters and not as difficult to install. However, they are not cheap to run as they use a significant amount of electricity which is more expensive than gas.

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Friday, 6 May 2011

Lamiglas Big Bang Heaver Rod Review

Another specialist rod from Lamiglas who have a vast range and will have the ideal rod for you, whatever your needs:
If you fish for sturgeon in the Pacific Northwest then the Lamiglas Big Bang Heaver is the ideal the surf rod for you.

The Lamiglas Surf Rods' Big Bang Heaver was specifically created for bank fishing a lot of which happens in the area of the Pacific Northwest. Many of the areas have lots of rocks and need a special kind of surf rod to withstand this challenge. The Big Bang Heaver meets this challenge and promises to reel in large amounts of sturgeon. Click Here to read more.

Lamiglas Tri-Flex Graphite Surf Rod Review

Another great rod from Lamiglas, a top manufacturer with a rod for every requirement:
Every fisherman should be able to fish with confidence. This can only happen when you have the best equipment available in the market today.
The Lamiglas Tri-Flex Graphite Surf rod is one rod a fisherman should not be without. A beautifully designed, strong and stable all around surf rod is a must have for fishing hobbyists.
The Lamiglas Tri-Flex Graphite surf rod is a two piece rod made out of the finest materials. This is the main reason why these rods are so popular. The Tri-Flex Graphite Surf is made out of a graphite base that is lightweight making it easy to carry and handle. Over this light base is an overwrap made out of fiberglass making the surf rod sturdy and capable of catching even the heaviest of fish.

The third and last layer is made up of graphite again from the bottom to the middle of the rod, further reinforcing the power and durability of the surf rod. When you put all the three layers together, you get a surf rod that is very strong, powerful and very durable. It also has an extremely fast recovery rate.
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