Thursday 29 December 2011

How To Lose Belly Fat

The dangers of belly fat at becoming better known and this article looks at the issues in more detail:

For many people how to lose belly fat is becoming an important question. Health experts have realized recently that fat carried around the waist is more dangerous than fat on other parts of the body. The term "abdominal obesity" has been used to describe this. Click Here to read more.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Using Exercises To Lose Weight - Is This Really Practical?

Can you lose weight just by exercising? According to this article it helps but it is not the whole answer:

If you are thinking about exercises to lose weight you are probably also wondering how to lose belly fat in particular. Most people would like to have Six Pack Abs but it has become know in recent years that this is about more than just looking good. Health experts have begun talking about "abdominal obesity"...... Click Here to read more.

Monday 19 December 2011

A Few Things To Think about Before Trying To Lose Weight

The majority of overweight people want to shed a few pounds and most have used a diet and have managed to lose weight. Sadly, in the bulk of cases the achievement is short-lived and the weight rapidly returns. Below are a number of strategies which hopefully will be useful next time and make any future efforts more successful:
Be careful regarding your salt consumption - Most individuals eat too much salt and we often hear the message that this is not healthy. On the other hand, a certain quantity of salt is essential to the proper working of our bodies and a low salt or salt free diet can be dangerous. The big problem with salt is that the majority of it comes from manufactured foodstuffs so, if you remove these from your diet, you should make sure that you keep up your salt level.
Do not employ extreme diets - You will find numerous fashionable diets that claim to assist you lose weight. This may be through suppressing hunger or helping your body burn fat. There are also diets that are so limiting that you might have to to take nutritional supplements. These might well assist with losing weight in the short term but like going onto a very low calorie diet (such as the Lemon Diet) there may be problems when you stop using them. As an example, products designed to assist your body burn fat can result in a weight increase when you come off them and start eating as normal. Messing with your metabolism in this way is not good. The right thing to do is eat a well balanced diet including, protein, carbohydrates and fats in regular meals. This will trigger your body into metabolizing the food into energy for the body to use.
Limit alcohol consumption - There are quite a few reasons for this. Firstly it is high in calories so several drinks will sabotage your hard work to reduce weight. Additionally the intake of alcohol means that the liver will focus on dealing with that and any food you consume at the same time is prone to be stored as fat. Not only that but alcohol is likely to make you to want to eat especially the kind of sweet foods that you should be cutting out. It might in addition lead to you eating the incorrect foods the following day if you are still suffering the effects. It is best to keep alcohol consumption to a minimum at the same time as trying to lose weight.
Work on your reasons for eating - Most people often consume food due to factors other than hunger. This may be because a social event demands it, because it makes us feel better or because it is a conditioned response to an particular scenario. It calls for significant determination to get over some of these connections, as an example many people consume food when they have an alcoholic drink or automatically get a snack when they sit down to watch TV. You need to keep yourself motivated and keep reminding yourself why you desire to lose weight. A lot of people have found weight loss hypnosis to be effective in this respect. This can't change your eating patterns for you (you need to have made a definite decision to do so) but it can make the process much easier.
Do not shun all fat - There is a perception that fat is bad and should definitely be steered clear of when losing weight but in actual fact some fat consumption is essential to our health. Even though we do need fat there are good and bad kinds of fat. You should avoid trans-fatty acids, often shown as hydrogenated oils on food labels because these are manufactured fats that are of little use to the body. On the other hand Omega-3 fats are good and are contained in food types like green vegetables, oily fish (like salmon) and some nuts. Beneficial fats are not stored as fat in the body and will in fact assist you to lose weight.
Consume lots of water - Our bodies are over seventy percent water and the intake of enough of this is fundamental to our wellbeing in general and also to support the metabolic processes that result in really losing weight. It is an error to restrict fluid intake when trying to lose weight even though this may yield short term results. Actually it is best to drink lots of water especially when you start to experience hunger. This commonly suppresses the feeling of hunger and makes it easier to eat less. Additionally you should try drinking water fifteen minutes before a meal as this is likely to result in you eating less.
The above are just a few points which ought to be considered whilst trying to lose weight. To obtain further content concerning losing weight and, particularly healthy weight loss, please see our website

Friday 16 December 2011

Why Would You Buy An Electronic Cigarette?

The electronic cigarette (sometimes called a vapor cigarette) started to be distributed in the United States near the end of 2006 and the industry has now grown to a number of million consumers worldwide. The devices have improved in that period so that they now look very akin to a actual cigarette and are now easy to use.
What Precisely Is An Electronic/Vapor Cigarette?
This is a device comprising a "smoke" cartridge (originally refillable but now usually disposable) with an atomiser powered by a rechargeable battery. The smoker holds and smokes the product in the same way as an actual cigarette and a vapor is created which looks like smoke. The end of the electronic cigarette even glows like a real one.
The cartridges are available in a number of "flavors" and it is up to the smoker if this includes nicotine and, if so, at what strength.
So an electronic/vapor cigarette can deliver nicotine to the smoker or it can be used nicotine-free but still satisfying other aspects of the smoking experience. Even if operated with nicotine it doesn't emit any of the additional noxious ingredients contained in standard cigarette smoke and the vapor produced is not detrimental to those around the smoker.
What is the Electronic Cigarette intended for?
Is it:
  • to help with giving up smoking by gradually reducing nicotine
  • a healthier alternative to smoking normal cigarettes
  • a way of smoking without affecting other people
  • a means of getting round no smoking regulations?
Precisely how electronic cigarettes ought to be categorized and regulated has been uncertain, the FDA's (US Food and Drug Administration) current situation is that they should be regulated as "tobacco products". The FDA also assert that the safety of electronic cigarettes is not yet proven by proper scientific studies.
The result is that electronic cigarettes aren't intended to be sold as beneficial to health or as aids to quitting smoking. This does seem to challenge the whole point of them as you would suppose that these would be the main reasons people would buy them. Nevertheless you will notice that the manufacturers trade on the following factors:
  • Cost - It is much cheaper to smoke electronic cigarettes than normal ones.
  • They are cleaner - You are not left with a butt to get rid off and there is no ash to dispose of.
  • No Odor - There is no tobacco smell on clothes or breath.
  • No fire risk - You do not actually burn anything in these devices so there is no risk of causing a fire.
  • No impact on others - The "smoke" that is produced is just water vapor so there is no impact on those around the smoker.
  • No restrictions - You should be able to use an electronic cigarette even where smoking is prohibited.
The future of this regulation with be fascinating as suppliers would without doubt like to make health claims and will be seeking proof for this. In the meantime you can buy an electronic cigarette starter packs from reputable companies and avoid the many low cost imported options now for sale.

Thursday 15 December 2011

The Lemon Diet - Is It Any Good?

If you are looking for a quick way to lose weight you might be interested in the Lemon (or Lemonade) Diet:

The lemon diet (also known as the Lemonade Diet, Master Cleanse or Maple Syrup Diet) is based on a diet called the "The Master Cleanser" which was written in 1940s by Stanley Burroughs. The diet continues to be popular today especially as it has gathered several celebrity endorsements. Click Here to read more.

Friday 9 December 2011

Should You Try A Vapor Cigarette?

Here is a post that will be of interest if you have wondered about trying an electronic cigarette:

It is now easy to find a Vapor Cigarette (or Electronic Cigarette) and you may be wondering what is the point of them and are they worth trying. Click Here to read more.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Pool Heater Sizing

If you are thinking of getting a pool heater working out what size you need can be tricky. This post will help:
Below is a table giving some guidance based on the capacity of the pool or the surface area but this is very just a general guide. Much will depend on: .... Click Here to read more.

Monday 5 December 2011

Why I Recommend HostGator

Many people recommend HostGator, this post sets out the reasons for this particular recommendation:
This site offers a lot of information about web hosting and there are pages like the "buy" page which sets out exactly what is in HostGator's packages. However I thought it would be useful to look at it the other way and look at things that HostGator do not do that makes their service attractive. Click Here to read more.

Friday 2 December 2011

Best Website Hosting

If you are looking for the best hosting for you it is worth your while looking at this post:
To avoid issues and to ensure your site is continually on-line and is fast to display you should make use of a good website hosting provider with a first-rate reputation for reliability and customer support...  Click Here to read more.

Thursday 1 December 2011

HostGators Service

Here is a post setting out why the author recommends HostGator for Web Hosting:
HostGators service is used by many people as they are one of the top hosting providers. They claim that the domains hosted on behalf of their 225,000 customers account for about 1% of the world's internet traffic. They are based in Texas but have customers in 200 countries around the world... Click Here to read more.