For some snoring may be funny but for others it is no laughing matter as it affects not only their own lives but also their partner. Such people are desperate and have tried many snoring cures.
Almost half of adults suffer from occasional snoring while an estimated 25% of them snore frequently. By age 60 about 60% of men and 40% of women fall into the latter category.
How to stop snoring is something most snorers would like to find an answer for. There are many products on the market some of which can be effective for many people but no solution, even surgery, can be guaranteed to work. The more effective aids can have side effects. A good example is the mouthpiece (this is worn in the mouth and holds the jaw in a position which maintains an open airway). Many people find this effective but it can result in a dry mouth and painful teeth.It is therefore best to look at the common causes that you can tackle yourself before seeking help. The problem is that this is not easy to do as these are over-eating, smoking and drinking.Things you need to do:
- Avoid sleeping on your back - Snoring is more likely in this position for anyone as it is easier for the jaw (or the tongue) to drop and obstruct breathing.
- Stop/Cut down smoking, particularly in the evening - You are approximately twice as likely to snore if you are a smoker. Smoke will irritate the lining of the throat causing it to swell. In fact the probability of snoring increases along with the number of cigarettes smoked each day.
- Lose weight - Overweight individuals have more fatty tissues in the throat which means a narrower air passageway which is more likely to become obstructed. Fat accumulating around the neck is more common in men.
- Reduce Alcohol (and try and avoid any other drugs that cause drowsiness) - these make the muscles in the throat relax and allow the airway to narrow plus the tongue may also relax and fall back making breathing even more difficult. In the worst case alcohol may induce obstructive sleep apnea in people who are otherwise just snorers.
The above actions will be beneficial to your general health so stopping snoring might just be the motivation you need.